This Easter my family is going down to Hudson, NC to my fiance's grannys house. We live in Candler NC (Asheville). I have decided that I want to do more than just go eat Easter dinner and hang out with the family. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with his family, they are so nice and treat me like Im part of the family...Well I guess I am part of the family, me and Alan have been together for almost 8 years and we have 2 daughters together :0) But I wanna go somewhere cool that Iv never been and take pictures. :0) So I googled Lenior (which is right outside Hudson) I found a few places that I would love to go but only 2 are going to be open on the days and hours we will be there. Tucker's Sculpture Streetscape Gallery and Fort Defiance. The Tucker's Sculpture Streetscape Gallery is open 24 hrs and is an outside gallery of sculptures!! It sounds really cool and Im sure that my daughters would thing it was cool also. The picture that it shows is a dog looking thing, it looks really neat!! My fiance has never heard of it and he was born and raised in Lenior/Hickory/Hudson! Fort Defiance is a restored 1792 house that was once owned by a Revolutionary War Hero named William Lenior. His name is how the city of Lenior got it's name. There is also an Elemtry School named after him. The house is said to have over 300 original house items and artifacts and is concidered one the countrys most uniques restorations!! It sounds really interesting to me but my fiance said that we probly wouldn't be able to make it there because it isn't excally in Lenior and it would take us about an hour to get there and we didn't have the time for a long trip like that. So maybe that can be for another day.
The next thing Im gonna do is google Hickory! No tellin what I will find in that search :0) I'll update this after I get my Hickort goggle search! :0) (Bellow is the information I found on the places in Lenior)
Tucker’s Sculpture Streetscape Gallery 801 West Avenue
Lenoir, NC
Phone: (828) 759-0075
Since Tucker’s is located outdoors,
it’s open 24-hours, 7-days a week.
Downtown Lenoir is more like “a town
inside a gallery” with an outdoor gallery that adorns the downtown streetscape
in an ever-changing outdoor gallery known as Tucker’s Sculpture Streetscape
Gallery (named for the first settlement in Lenoir: Tucker’s Barn). Art is
usually found inside buildings or art galleries, but Tucker’s Streetscape
Sculpture Gallery displays pieces in planters along Main Street and West Avenue
in Lenoir. The downtown gallery displays sculptures for a period of six months,
after which they are replaced with new pieces. The artwork is available for
sale, with new pieces being installed as sculptures are sold. Even if pieces
aren’t sold, they are replaced around every six months.
Fort Defiance1792 Fort Defiance Drive (NC 268)
PO Box
Lenoir, NC 28645

Phone: (828) 758-1671
April – October:
Thursday -
Saturday: 10am – 5pm
Sunday: 1pm – 5pm
November – March:
only or by appointment - call for hours
Just a short drive from the
Lenoir is Fort Defiance, the restored 1792 home of Revolutionary War hero and
statesman William Lenoir, the namesake of Lenoir, North Carolina. The home
features more than 300 pieces of original furnishings and artifacts and is
considered one of the country's most unique restorations. Listed on the National
Register of Historic Places, the property also has a family cemetery with graves
dating back to 1785.
I googled Hickory NC!!!!!!!!
Im all about photography and Art and stuff like that and I think that Hickory may be my place! I lived in Hickory for 3 months back when I was 17 and without kids but Im not sure why I never knew what cool things were there other than all the shopping amlls and stores that were REALLY close to our house. But Im hopping that my fiance will get off work early Saturday so we can head down then and wake up early on Sunday and try and go to some of these places. But Im sure than none of them will be open becuase Sunday is Easter and the main one I want to goto is The Hickory Musum of Art and they are closed on holidays. Ohwell I will make sure I will get to go there sooner or later. Below is the info I found on cool stuff todo in Hickory NC
Painting by Julie Armbruster
3rd Avenue NE , Hickory, NC 28601
The Museum is located in a 3 story brick
building on the SALT Block in the right wing of the Arts and Science Center of
Catawba Valley.
Click on the link below that best matches your
starting point. (Please note Hickory streets run North and South, Avenues are
East and West and Center Street divides East from West. Many streets are one way
Daily admission
to the Hickory Museum of Art is FREE.
tours may be arranged in advance. For information on group tours and school
field trip opportunities,
e-mail or call HMA Educator
Ginny Zellmer at 828-327-8576.
Tuesday through Saturday 10 AM -
4 PM
Sunday 1 - 4 PM
Closed Mondays and Holidays
Caldwell Arts Council
601 College Avenue, Lenoir
Featuring a gallery with changing exhibits, the Council organizes
and sponsors a national sculpture competition annually and organizes arts
programming throughout the year.
Bunker Hill Covered Bridge
Old US Highway 70, Claremont
One of the two remaining covered bridges in the state and the only
remaining example in the world of a 19th Century bridge utilizing the
General Herman Haupt truss design.
**I defently want to go here on Easter with my daughters looking all pretty so I can take some beautiful Easter Pictures with this woderful scenery!!! Im excited to think that I may be able to go here but Alan is asleep so I can't ask to see if we will or not**
Catawba County Historical
30 North College Avenue, Newton
Maintains a state recognized museum program, preserves several
historic sites, sponsors educational programs, maintains extensive archives, and
publishes historical texts and pamphlets pertinent to the area’s rich
Hickory Landmarks Society
542 2nd Street NE, Hickory
Promotes cultural awareness of architecture in the community, while
preserving historic sites and neighborhoods. Restorations are open to the
public. Also holds an annual home and garden tour.
Hickory Aviation Museum
3101 9th
Ave Dr. NW, Hickory
Regional Airport)
A collection of aircraft, equipment and
personal items associated with aviation’s history.
Fridays and
Saturdays: 10:00am until 5:00pm
Sundays: 1:00pm until
Admission free /
Donations accepted