Every now and then I get random, outta the blue, cravings to play Bingo... I can't explain it, the urges are unexpected & strong. (I'm a game fanatic w/ a slight addiction to the oldish ones that shaped my childhood.) Through out the past year, I've tried an extreme amount of Bingo apps. Sadly, it seems that 99% of the time I end up disappointed... It seems that after playing for a bit actually enjoying the app, which ever version of Bingo I happen to have at that moment, to quickly realize that I have no more tokens/tickets or whatever else used to "pay" for each Bingo board. With most of the Bingo games I've downloaded onto my iPhone, stocking back up on game tokens has meant that I had to purchase them with actual money and I don't have the extra cash to toss out for games like that. Which is the main reason they all got quickly uninstalled. It's aggravating because it's extremely rare that my Bingo craving is satisfied enough to be happy!!! A gamers worse nightmare!!
**Lucky for me, I believe I may have finally found the Bingo App to satisfy my cravings once and for all!!!**
Though I'm not saying there's not any flaws...
We'll get to them soon enough.
Below is my personal opinion of the iPhone game app: Free Bingo 2.
From one phone gamer to another......

When I ran across Free Bingo 2, I figured it was going to be just like all the other Bingo's I've downloaded in the past. Not really caring, I figured I'd simply play for a little while and when I ran outta tokens, or in this case diamonds, I'd uninstall the game as I did in the past. If I remember correctly, the game begins with either 20 or 30 diamonds. Each Bingo board cost 2 diamonds a piece to play, with a max of 4 boards per round. If you choose to 3 or 4 boards, you're only able to see 2 boards at a time. To view the other boards you'll have to click an almost see thru arrow located near the bottom right of your boards, and click it again to go back to the top boards. The Bingo balls are ran across the top of your screen and if your phone volume is turned on, the voice can be quite loud. (I don't normally keep my game sounds on when playing apps due to them annoying me and everyone else around me.) Now is when my mixed feelings come... Unlike other Bingo games I've downloaded in the past, if I don't have the number being called, I have to wait the full amount of time given by the game between ball selection. Anyone who's played Bingo before knows how annoying and time consuming this can be. With Free Bingo 2, there's a button on the right side on the boards (below the time gauge) that you can press to quickly receive the next number! That option has to be my favorite of the game! The downfall is that if your boards match the current ball number selected, and you don't mark it before a new number is called, you loose that mark and it don't count as a bingo... You'll still be able to mark it but the dot color is red and no Bingos using that missed number will count in the end... Not really fair if you ask me. Another way that Free Bingo 2 is different from other Bingo games is that you don't actually call Bingo when you get 5 in a row, like we're a use too. Instead, you play all 70 balls and get rewarded for the total amount of Bingo's you were able to get. I'm actually not upset about that way of playing due to my continued frustration during other games where I'd end up with no Bingos when either the time went out or the selected amount of Bingos chosen for each round were quickly won by other online players. With Free Bingo 2 you're not playing with other online gamers in a race to finish first, you're simply playing by yourself... for the fun of playing the game. My one final complaint (which only makes two total for the whole app) is the ads..... No one likes the interruption of adds popping up in the middle or at the end of rounds. I will admit that Free Bingo 2 has way to many ads and can get quite annoying at times. But if you can overlook the ads and quickly for your numbers, this app is will be very entertaining.
I'm happy to say that I won't be uninstalling it anytime soon!
Interested in downloading this game onto your iPhone?
Visit App Store
Search: Free Bingo 2
You should see the app on your screen with the option to download!!
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