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-- Helping your child succeed in Writing from Home --
Together with your child keep a journal throughout the Season/Year and write about the activities, places and memories of your days/weeks.
Use an assortment of writing tools, such as:
Create a Newspaper and write about weekly activities or exciting things that happened that week in your town and/or family.Use an assortment of writing tools, such as:
Gather up cousins and neighborhood kids and write a play to act out.
Play word games, like:
- Hangman
- Wheel of Fortune
- Scrabble
- Etc.
Read the comic section in the newspaper with your child and encourage them to make your own.
Encourage them to write stories about their favorite things.
Dedicate a special place in your home where your hang up and showcase your child's art and writing.

Purchase or Create your own Mad Libs that are age appropriate and fun for your child as well as yourself!
Encourage your child to plan out their writings in drafts.
Write letters and cards to family members and friends and ask for them to write back!
Let your child help create a shopping list before you head to the store.
Publish your child's writings and art into a wonderful and unique keepsake book! Not only will your child feel special but you'll have those special childhood memories safe and sound inside their very own story book.
- You can completely personalize your book with Blurb and create a one-of-a-kind storybook telling your child's unique stories.
Also Check Out Book By You - Personalize your favorite book by adding yourself or ANYONE else as the main character! Star in an amazing memorable gift idea!
My daughters both have their days where they LOVE their homework assignment -- And then there's those days where the sound of nails on chalk board sound better than my daughter's screams and excesses! Kids are going to be kids no matter what we do or how we raise them. I'm so glad I learned the above tricks and have children's self-help books to help my daughters more understand what their feelings mean and how to react to them.
My daughters both have their days where they LOVE their homework assignment -- And then there's those days where the sound of nails on chalk board sound better than my daughter's screams and excesses! Kids are going to be kids no matter what we do or how we raise them. I'm so glad I learned the above tricks and have children's self-help books to help my daughters more understand what their feelings mean and how to react to them.
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