Don't Leave out the Daddy!
When someone announces that they are having a baby, one of the first things people do is run out and buy the Mother-to-be or baby a gift. Not many people think about getting something for the Daddy-to-be. Some of the guys might get together and take the expectant dad out to get some drinks but that's bout it. How about buying the daddy a present also!! Baby showers are the perfect place to give the Daddy-to-be his present since the Mommy is already getting all of hers! Here are a few ideas that I have found.
"I'm The Daddy" Boxers from for $21.95
A Pinstripe Dad-To-Be Set from for $125.00
Or you can make this cute Bucket by yourself!
because its his baby too.
This is a wonderful idea! I can't wait to try it out, I'm defiantly waiting to hear that someone is pregnant now! I agree that the Daddy's-To-Be are always left out of the whole excitement of the new baby! I bet my fiance would of loved to of gotten one of these little Daddy Kits! I may even make him one for the kids now...If I ever decided to have a Mommy's Night-Out! (I'll let you know what I come up with for that one!) The Daddy Doody Kit is cute but I'm not to sure about adding the gloves, goggles, face-mask, or the tongs. Daddy's may not be perfect "moms" but most of them do know how to take care of their baby. I like the joke of the clothes pin though! I remember that some of those diapers do get super stinky! Let me know if you try this out! I would LOVE to see pictures!
Found at
my keen eye for detail has picked up on a trend.
the daddy to be always gets left out.
unless its a co-ed shower...but in 9 out of 10 cases, its not.
mommy to be gets showered with a lovely party, sentiments, gifts and delicious food.
daddy to be gets to pick her up at the end of her shower acting as a pack mule...
loading the car(s) up with the never ending pile of goods from babies r us.
then unloading it all at the house, usually by himself.
good times.
i wanted to create something fun so the awaiting father could be included!
i usually have the dad to be arrive at the tail end of the shower while gifts are still being opened.
then i hand them this.
"a daddy doody kit"
i purchased the clear paint pail at a craft store.
they are about $5.00.
they are about $5.00.
for the "open in case of emergency" tag
i used an all cap font in red printed off my home printer.
I used a large round hole punch to cut it out.
i used an all cap font in red printed off my home printer.
I used a large round hole punch to cut it out.
its taped to the top with double sided foam dots.
for the "daddy doody kit" tag i just free hand tore the paper around the words.
on the side of the pail with the seam,
i added a "contains:" list.
here is what was included in this one:
i added a "contains:" list.
here is what was included in this one:
diaper rash cream
goggles (home depot, about $2.50)
face mask (home depot, about $2.00 for 1)
clothes pin for your nose
tongs for diaper disposal
hand sanitizer (travel size)
baby wash (travel size)
wash cloth
baby food
baby sockies
wipes (travel size)
Tylenol...for daddy
get creative and personalize it for the guy you are giving it to.
pop the lid back on and its good to go!
diaper rash cream
goggles (home depot, about $2.50)
face mask (home depot, about $2.00 for 1)
clothes pin for your nose
tongs for diaper disposal
hand sanitizer (travel size)
baby wash (travel size)
wash cloth
baby food
baby sockies
wipes (travel size)
Tylenol...for daddy
get creative and personalize it for the guy you are giving it to.
pop the lid back on and its good to go!

*Blog Written By ~ Autumn Banks*
a stay at home mom who loves DIY projects, finding freebies and playing
with my gurlie gurls. I have a secret obsession with anything history
that not many people know about. I try to stay out of politics along
with anything causing trouble but sometimes, randomly, find myself in
the middle of some stupid argument::..
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