
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Domestic Violence Awareness - Speak Up - Guest Post

During Domestic Violence Awareness Month I've partnered up with Erin at 3SonsHaveI and have changed the focus of our blogs to help spread awareness for a very important cause, Domestic Violence Awareness! Erin was kind enough to share with us some information that may help someone get the help that they need. I hope you enjoy her guest post.

It is always hard for me to share these-but I saw this and had to! How could I not share?

This song and slideshow speaks the truth. You can see it in their eyes. Those were my eyes once and situations may change, but the horrible memories never go away...

You talk to your kids about drugs, sex and school - Have you talked to them about Domestic Violence? Odds are someone you & your kids know needs your help...

If you ever suspect anyone may need your help, speak up! Don't turn your back. I remember all those that turned their backs on me. I can't ever forget that. And I hold very close those who did and still do remind me they care...

The statistics for men who are abused are within 10% of women statistics. Educate yourself-hear the messages Amber and myself ( ) are telling you this month as our Blogs switch focus to Domestic Violence Awareness Month of October. Learn to see the signs, keep your eyes open to both Men & Women you know. You may get pushed away, you may feel like you are not being listened to, but you are heard! I can tell you from my own experience I heard every kind word, but my walls were built too high. It takes constant reassurance and words from friends to slowly chip the wall away. One day it will come down for them...just make sure it comes down because people cared, not because their life ended!

"It's hard to confront a man who is abusing his wife, but not nearly as hard as being his wife!"

What did you think about the video?

If you would like to Donate to the Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign on My Kind Of Introduction, Use the button below! All collections will be used to benefit Domestic Violence Services in North Carolina and are greatly appreciated!

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