
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

New Online Photography Courses!!

Craftsy now has Photography Courses!!

 This post contains affiliate links for your convenience

Craftsys goal is to revolutionize online education by giving photography enthusiasts the chance to be on location with world-glass instructors  learn many professional techniques as well as engaging with instructor and fellow students! As a student, you are able to make digital video notes, ask questions as week as getting the chance to learn using the latest tools!!

The Craftsy Photography Courses that are currently available are:

Shoot It: Product Photography Class -- No need to have expensive and fancy equipment/cameras to take great pictures, all you need is the knowledge that you'll learn in this wonderful class!!

Portraits With an On-Camera Speedlight -- Use light and bring your portraits to life!! Learn how to use the light that's available light and learn advanced on-camera flash techniques with Neil van Niekerk.

Kirk Tuck: Studio Portrait Lighting -- Photographer Kirk Tuck shows students the equipment, setup & lighting techniques that will be needed to create breathtaking and professional-like portraits.

Shooting Intimate Landscapes -- Turn the ordinary into extraordinary! Travel with Rob Sheppard and discover beauty on a smaller scale and learn to find intimate landscapes anywhere!

Landscape Photography: Great Sand Dunes -- Take a journey with Photo Guru Rixk Sammon and enhance your landscape photos from blah to breathtaking in minutes with this spectacular online class!

Off-Camera Flash Photography with Neil van Niekerk -- Put your subjects in their best light no matter what setting by taking your speedlight off-camera and create wonderful portraits!

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