
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Silent Saturday - From 2011 to 2013

- Changing Faces -
Silent Saturday

Below are photo's of my daughters that were taken around the same time... but different years!! It's amazing on how much a child can change in just a year or two!!

Loran and I - 2011

Jade and I - 2011

Loran  - 2012

Jade - 2012

Loran and I - 2013

Jade and I - 2013

You never know what can change in just 1 year!! It's pretty amazing! I've been comparing my daughters alot lately and I've noticed that with some pictures -- You can see a bigger difference than others! My girls are literately growing before my eyes and I feel like I'm missing out but I know that I'm not, they just grown too slow for me to notice.... Until I start looking at old photos... That's when all the past months truly sink in!!
I need to discover a way to either slow down time or turn it back a bit!!
I need more time with my girls being litter!

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