
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Peanut Free Classroom

As my regular readers know, my daughters go to public school.

Atleast once a week, one of my daughters has cupcakes or something else for a classmates birthday. Both of my daughters were born during the summer so I didn't have to worry about their birthdays falling on a school day since school is out before it comes along. Last year I had planned on inviting some of Loran's little friends to her summer party but decided against it once the party got closer for time and location reasons. This year I have both girls in school and since we had a few snow days this past winters.... School won't be letting out for the summer until June 5th. Jade's birthday is at the end of May.... On a Saturday. Even though her birthday falls on a Saturday, she still wants to bring treats for her friends on the Friday before.

No Big Deal, Right?


Jade's classroom is a Peanut Free classroom due to a couple of her classmates having a peanut allergy. I'm not allowed to bring Home-cooked goods for birthdays. The only cupcakes that are allowed have to be bought at Walmart or Sam's Club.... Why not BiLo's? It's ALOT closer to my house but for some reason, it's not on the list of OK stores. I'm not sure why Walmart and Sam's Club are the only 2 but it looks like I will be heading to Walmart soon because I forgot to update my Sam's Club membership.

I'm not sure how much cupcakes cost at Walmart but I hope they aren't crazy priced or I'll end up broke.

Sometimes it's hard to remember that Jade can't bring peanut food to school. I've forgotten once and she ended up taking a lunchable to school and wasn't able to eat the treat which just happen to be a Reeses Cup. She returned home with it and said she couldn't eat it because her friend was sitting beside her LOL I'm guessing it was a little boy with peanut allergy's.

I have a feeling that I will have to deal with peanut allergy's throughout Jade's school years because it seems like alot of this years Kindergarten kids are peanut free so that would me that they will follow Jade throughout school.

I have no problem sending Jade to school with peanut free food. I don't want to hurt or risk the health of any child so if I need to check for peanut free ingredients then I'll gladly do it!

Do your kids or their classmates have Peanut Allergy's?

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