
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wacky Wednesday for Dr. Seuss

Today was Wacky Wednesday at school for my youngest daughter, Jade. Her class is celebrating Dr. Seuss this week and today they had to wear their most tackiest clothes. Jade and I decided that she didn't want to go too wacky since we wasn't sure how many of the other kids were going to dress wacky aswell.
This is what we came up with

(Jade is on the right and Loran is on the left)

Like I said, it's not very tacky or wacky at all but I thought both of my daughters looked adorable and that's all that matters!

Jade has a theme to dress by this week. Below is what we are using to plan this weeks outfits!

Monday - Fox in Socks ~ Wear Silly Socks
Tuesday - The Sleep Book ~ Wear your Pajamas
Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday ~ Wear your most tacky clothes
Thursday - Green Eggs and Ham ~ Wear the Color Green
Friday - Cat in the Hat ~ Wear Stripes

Tomorrow is ALL GREEN DAY!
I wonder what we can come up with since she wore her green pants today?

Is your child's school doing anything special for Dr. Seuss' Birthday this week?

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